
The Hunt.

So for the last few weeks, I've been job searching. Two days from now, is effectively my last day at Valley Fair for this year (though I might work a few weekends in October if things get tight!). My goals have been shifting, but in a good way. I have a clear(er) idea of what I want to do in the long term, and started to map my strategy for getting it. I credit Nikki with pointing me in the right direction.


I set up a Cafe Press shop recently. I haven't anything up there (yet), but I hope to have some things prepared soon. This is one I'm kicking around. Just for the surrealism...

After a diner with JP a week ago, I've decided to continue 1777, or at the very most, finish the cliff-hanger. I still want to continue the concept, with different times, but right now, give some resolution on the revolution! I've got about 7 pages written, mostly actiony fight sequences. This is part of a larger plan which I hope to have ready for Micro Con, or at least by next year's Fall Con.

Speaking of which; I'm excited for this year's Fall Con. Partially to network, but also to see some friends, make some friends, and see my MCAD professors, Barb Schulz, and Terry Beatty. Gayle, Nikki's grandmother, brought some comics back from Egypt- American reprints in Arabic- but I have a suspicion that Mr. Beatty might've been involved. I'm eager to find out!

Here's a break, with Kertk!

Google "The No Sin Zone," or get to it through "Landover Baptist Church" (both are humor sites- don't worry!). The No Sin Zone is emerging as a funny anti-McCain/Palin blog.


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