
Fall Con

Wow. I'm pretty bad at keeping this updated lately, aren't I?

Well, to be honest, I've been job hunting and learning to network, which I've mentioned before, and not much has happened, big picture-wise.
However, I've also been working on a quarterly mailer, and walking a lot more- Nikki says she's noticed that I've been losing some weight, so that's a plus. On the job hunt front, I've got an interview as a gallery guard for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and been working on submission samples to send to specific comic book companies.
So, it's been productive, but not terribly interesting. Well, ok. One interesting thing that happened last week was having an informational interview at 3M, and this weekend was Fall Con.

Wait! What was that? Fall Con? The Twin Cities major comic book convention and all-around geekery emporium?! You betcha! Two days of meeting peers, buying comics, and seeing a lot of fascinating people, many in costume. I was helping the CH (Comic Heads) booth sell this year's anthology, and trying my networking skills on the comics community.

Another thing I was doing was an interactive comic. I present the artist with a portion of a comic where a youth is pulling apart a Kinder Surprise/Egg Capsule, only to be surprised by what's inside. What's inside is left up to the artist, and I got many strange and wonderful examples. Here's some:

Don Rosa, Scrooge McDuck artist, whose "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" is a highly recommended for young and old.

Tom Richmond, a premier artist at MAD magazine. Also, my employer at Valleyfair Caricature booth. Real gentleman!

Sam Hiti, local cartoonist and fine artist/poster artist.

Tom Kaczynski, another local comic artist- google him. Now. It's gorgeous. Also, his Trans-_____ series introduced me to Krtek, and that's one adorable mole- Nikki saw Krtek EVERYwhere in Prague this Summer!

I've put all the examples I got on my website. When you're there, either click on the button in the navigation section, or on the main page, on the right column. Dig it! Do one yourself, and send it to me!

Here's a video:

I can't wait until they finish that movie. I'm also terrified, since I have specific voices for each one, and I guarantee that not one of them will match the voices I imagine when I read the stories. Here's crossing my fingers...


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