
DBZ? OMG? WTF? Other acronyms to display my utter disregard?

So I've been trying to find anything I can about this new DBZ (Dragon Ball Z) movie that's supposedly coming out in April of next year. Mostly, All I can find are ugly production pictures and fan-videos of ugly production pictures set to over-used DBZ music.

I've come to accept DBZ over the years- it's a flagrantly over-exposed manga/anime in my opinion, of the kind that attracts bad fan pics/fics/slash. I genuinely enjoyed regular Dragon Ball, and the macho extremism of it's successor was fun at first, but got obnoxious in it's rotation on Cartoon Network. I want to see GOOD manga/anime, and DBZ to me, while it is GOOD in small doses, PREVENTS other GOOD manga/anime from coming to the USA in translation. I don't appreciate combing through walls of generic manga/anime to find what I want- hidden in clones or in-the-same-veins.

It took a fellow named Ian Gorton to explain the ridiculous fun of DBZ- the trick is to watch it uninterrupted, which usually is prohibitively expensive.

Anyway, on to this movie. It's going to be a train-wreak, and I predict an awful lot of complaining choking the internet.

Why make [comic] book adaptations into movies when you're not going to respect the source-material, or more importantly, alienate the fan-base? I'm not looking forward to The Spirit movie, nor Watchmen- those two seem like equally divisive movies in the geek community. And since I'm intimately connected to many other geeks, the prospect is unsettling.

So here's something to keep my mind off the whole DBZ/comic book movie thing. Enjoy! It's another FuncoLand commercial! Look at how old that Playstation is! LOL!


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