
The Dark Heart of the Internet

Happy new year! I had a rawkus holiday, with plenty of stollen/schtolen (German bread with fruit in it), alcohol, drama, and at the end, a new cat named Billy.

Left: Maggie. Right: Billy.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but for the most part, the situation hasn't really changed much. Still looking for steady employment (freelance gigs don't count, though I've got a few), still preparing promotional materials, still networking and schmoozing for the desired steady job, still loving and learning with Nikki, and still wasting time on the internet.

I've been preparing some promotional material to go out to prospective publishers or to request the opportunity to do a penciling, inking or lettering sample. You can see it on my website in the "About" Section. Feel free to download one of them- pass it along! Tell your friends/employers/families/peers/enemies! The promotional aspect I'm doing is a mail version of it. Wish me luck!

I've also been sitting on an idea to send to video game companies for conceptual/story-boarding opportunities. It's still having some kinks worked out, but is looking pretty sharp so far...

I wish I knew who did this. It's just brilliant.


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