
Creepy Christmas Tree...

I've been looking for this electronic dancing tree. This specific one:

I've been working on Nikki and I's Christmas card for this year. Here's some of the roughs I was considering, with commentary.

Snow Flake: Looks too much like a card I saw at Target last year, and kind of generic. I imagine if I was going with this one, I'd probably go super intricate on the points of the individual flake, but meh, still something you've seen before.

Christmas Tree: Again, similar to something you've probably have seen before. Though the chance for funky colouring is there... Hmm.

Stocking with Stuffers: This would've been a high-detail photograph, probably of a stocking my grandmother knit. Things coming out would've been strange goo-gahs, like LEGO minifigs, tiny Matrushka, small bottle of flavored vodka, old game boy game, couple of Euros...

Gingerbread Cookiemen: I kind of liked this one, but the difficulty would be drawing attention to the bottom left cookieman's expression of unease.

Well, these were valiant efforts, but in the end, we picked one I haven't posted. I figure I'll post it a week after we send the cards out. Enjoy!

I've been job hunting again. There was a job, but it didn't work out, so I'm hitting the pavement again. If you have any leads...


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